Setting your alarm with the best of intentions wake up at the crack of dawn tends to go straight out the window at the moment it actually goes off—and that’s when the snooze button starts to look oh-so-appealing. The truth is, the answer to the pressing “how to wake up early” question isn’t a simple one, and it’s only gotten more complicated now that we’re two years into the pandemic—and it’s on many of our minds have just gone through daylight savings time. With many people now working from home during the pandemic, there hasn’t been much of a push to wake up early to hit the gym or fight traffic since your commute probably consists of walking to your home office or living room. Rest assured, though, there are ways to wake up early in the morning—but as a caveat, it’s important to make sure you’re not sacrificing sleep in the name of being an early bird. So if you plan to wake up early, you’ll need to go to sleep earlier, too. Cinthya Pena Orbea, MD at the Cleveland Clinic, says many people simply can’t wake up early because they’re sleep-deprived. “The body generally needs seven hours of sleep at night, so if you are sleep-deprived, you will wake up later the following morning," she says. “Your body will automatically compensate for the lack of sleep. Also if there’s a circadian rhythm problem like a delayed sleep phase, people will have difficulties waking up early. These people fall asleep between three and five a.m.” With this in mind, here are 25 expert-backed ways to wake up earlier. Get ready to set that alarm (and be happy about it!)
How to wake up early
- Put the phone down Don’t reach for your phone the moment your eyes open, otherwise you may linger in bed scrolling through social media and emails as the clock ticks by. Douglas Kirsch, MD, Medical Director of Sleep Medicine at Atrium Health, suggests using the same method at night. “Using your phone for work or social media late at night makes it less likely for you to wind down to go to bed.”
- Refrain from taking electronics to bed “Getting both bright light and mental activation close to bedtime makes it hard to go to bed,” says Dr. Kirsch. It’s best to leave your phone on the other side of the room so you can go to sleep.
- Don’t hit snooze Dr. Kirsch says to set the alarm and get up at that time. You don’t want to get in the habit of hitting snooze!
- Play music you love Whether it’s thumping bass music or watching the news that’s your morning jam, Dr. Kirsch says people should pick things that energize them to get up and get moving in the morning.
- Let the light in “One of the most important things someone can do in the morning when the alarm goes off is [turn the light on or open the curtains],” explains Dr. Kirsch. He says light helps set the body clock every morning, so increasing light in the morning is similar to sunrise.
- Diffuse certain scents Any scent that energizes you will work. Dr. Orbea suggests trying lavender, and using calming essential oils before bed will help you get the rest you need to get up earlier.
- Stretching Whether it’s light stretching, yoga, or even a walk, Dr. Kirsch says exercise in the morning can help teach the body to wake up earlier.
- Make the bed In order to make up your bed, you have to get out of it. Dr. Kirsch says this is a good psychological tool to help with avoiding climbing back in the bed.
- Set daily goals Trying a new routine will take some getting used to. Dr. Orbea suggests setting small daily goals, like going to bed 30 minutes earlier and waking up 30 minutes earlier.
- Reward yourself Dr. Orbea says it’s important to reward yourself after achieving small goals like getting up early and going to bed on time. After all, you are setting a new habit!
- Change out of your pajamas Dr. Kirsch says this is another psychological trick to ensure that you feel like you’re kick-starting your day. If you put your clothes on, then you’ll be less likely to return to bed.
- Splash cold water on your face This will wake you up, but, Dr. Kirsch says it will only be a brief alerting effect—so make sure you have other mechanisms in place, too! 13. Create a morning routine Get in the habit of creating a consistent morning routine, whether it’s exercising, or even having your morning coffee outside. “Bright light and movement, or whatever feels good to the person. The key is that routine occurs at the same time daily,” says Dr. Kirsch.
- Be consistent with your bedtime “Try to keep the same bedtime every day, but allow for at least seven hours of sleep,” says Dr. Orbea. Keeping what time you wake up consistent is also important.
- Give up the afternoon coffee or soda Skip that afternoon caffeine boost and go with decaf. “Stop caffeinated beverages at least six to eight hours before bedtime,” says Orbea.
- Prep your morning coffee Getting up to brew your java may help get you moving in the morning. Dr. Kirsch says this activity could also be helpful in getting you out of bed.
- Eating healthy Early risers that eat healthy are most likely to eat breakfast according to Dr. Pena Orbea. Eating a healthy diet increases energy and helps you sleep better. Unhealthy foods can make you feel sluggish so it’s important to aim for a well-balanced diet.
- Avoid alcohol “Alcohol makes people drowsy at nighttime, but will also disrupt sleep during the night and may make it harder to get up in the morning. Try to limit alcohol in the evening and not to use it as a sleep aid,” says Dr. Kirsch.
- Keep your room cool Dr. Kirsch says most people prefer a cool room to fall asleep in. While this may not directly help you get you out of bed earlier, if your room is at an optimal temperature for falling asleep earlier, that will help.
- Use a sleep app Whether you use a phone or personal tracking device, Dr. Kirsch says the goal should be the same, keeping a consistent schedule. “Smart alarms that are hard to turn off that use scanning QR codes, or solving problems, will make snoozing more difficult.”
- Use an alarm app “Smart alarm apps can be helpful — a way to use technology to help rather than hinder,” Dr. Kirsch says. Having an alarm that lights up can also wake you up.
- Place your alarm far away Place your alarm on the other side of the room. “Having an alarm clock away from the bed, forcing you to get out of bed to turn it off, is helpful,” says Dr. Kirsch.
- Adjust your lighting Keep your room as dark as possible at night, and turn that television off. “Light is bad during the night, but still keep it safe for those who get up to go to the bathroom at night, particularly those with poor balance, because you don’t want them to trip,” advises Dr. Kirsch.
- Figure out what you’re wearing for the next day the night before This will save you some time in the morning, and could be a part of your routine that gets you in bed earlier and wakes you up earlier. Dr. Kirsch says this is another psychological tool to help.
- Relax If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try relaxing. Dr. Kirsch says since most people complain that they never have down time, it’s a good idea to use this time to stay in the bed and keep the lights off, including the television. He says meditating is a great tool to use during this time, or even reading a magazine. However, if you just can’t get to sleep, Dr. Orbea says to try some breathing exercises, get up and go to another room, or even see a sleep specialist if you’re dealing with persistent insomnia. Next up, here’s what it might mean if you’re nauseous in the morning (but not pregnant).