Drinking has gone way up during the pandemic, so more people than ever are wondering how to prevent a hangover. The easiest and most obvious answer? For the love of Pete, drink just a little less! That said, everyone’s body and alcohol tolerance are different, and sometimes even when you just have a drink or two, you can find them hitting you hard the next morning. Whether you’re an amateur drinker or a veteran vino (we’re not judging), chances are these tips will help you prepare for your next night out (or bottomless-mimosa brunch with the girls). And, as always: Remember to drink responsibly and never, ever drink and drive. If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol abuse, you’re not alone—and help is out there. Call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration hotline 24/7 at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or reach find an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting near you.

How to prevent a hangover

Before you start drinking

  1. Know your limits! Chances are one cocktail won’t give you a hangover, but every person is different, and so is their threshold for alcohol consumption. Make a plan before you leave the house for how much you plan on drinking, and do your homework. “Only drinking past a certain point will give you a hangover the following day,” Dr. Lizz Kinyua, MD, and consultant for Oh So Spotless, advises. “Check online on how much ethanol is contained in certain alcoholic drinks so you can know when to stop. It takes an average of 10 units to cause a hangover the following day.”
  2. Use a buddy system.Dr. Joseph Fisher, MD, PhD, advises having a pal hold you accountable as a way to avoid getting too tipsy. Setting boundaries early—long before your first cocktail—can make a world of difference in whether or not you wake up with a headache the next morning.
  3. Watch your vitamins. Dr. Arielle Levitan, MD, advises that in addition to hydrating, you should make sure you’re getting the proper intake of vitamins including thiamine (vitamin B1), folate and magnesium, which can lessen the not-so-fun effects of booze. If you’re not sure how much of each of those vitamins you’re getting from your diet, special vitamin pills like Recovery Act are made specifically for this purpose—so pop one before you start doing shots.
  4. Indulge in a good meal. Drinking on an empty stomach increases your odds of a hangover (and of getting hangry at some point—which, let’s face it, can only be worse when you’re drunk). Dana Ellis Hunnes, a senior dietitian at UCLA Medical Center, assistant professor at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and author of Recipe for Survival, explains that there are a few reasons for this: One, the alcohol will hit you faster if you’re on an empty stomach, which will likely lessen your inhibitions and hinder your judgment. Two, if you’re on an empty stomach, you may end up consuming more alcohol as a misguided means to feel full, and that will spell trouble in the morning.
  5. Eat water-rich foods. Hunnes advises that eating foods rich in water content can both prevent dehydration and keep you from over-indulging on booze by filling you up. According to the Cleveland Clinic, good choices include watermelon, cauliflower, strawberries, lettuce, cucumber, zucchini and celery.
  6. Stay hydrated—and know you should probably drink more water than you are already. According to nutritionist and doctor of public health, Dr. Wendy Bazilian, says that the whole “eight 8-oz. glasses per day” is outdated, and you actually need more water than that—but you don’t necessarily have to guzzle straight H2O to get it. “Aim to drink half an ounce for every pound of body weight. In other words, divide what you weigh in half and aim to consume that many overall ounces of water daily from a variety of sources,” she told us. S he recommends eating the aforementioned water-rich foods and keeping a carafe of water near your bed, as well as drinking other nutritious fluids without added sugars (citing milk as a great example). Dr. Bazilian also recommends making your water-drinking experience a more pleasant one so it feels like less of a chore, whether it means drinking from a pretty reusable bottle or using flavored electrolyte “hydration helpers” (like Hydralyte).
  7. Snack on a banana or other potassium-rich foods. Potassium is a key electrolyte, and booze can deplete you of it if you over-indulge. Hunnes says eating foods high in potassium can prevent a hangover later. The Cleveland Clinic recommends potatoes (with skin), bananas, beans, soybeans, lentils, seafood, leafy greens, low-fat or skim milk, yogurt, avocados, tomatoes and some juices—just be conscious of the sugar content.
  8. Get a workout in, and make it a habit. “Regular exercise can help your body and circulation function well,” Dr. Bazilian says. “So in general, moving and exercising regularly, but also after a night of drinking, getting out and moving can help you metabolize the foods and drinks in your system.”

While you’re at the bar

  1. Alternate alcoholic drinks with big servings of water. Prevent dehydration—the root cause of hangovers—by chugging a glass of water in between cocktails.
  2. Get a Sprite between alcoholic beverages. Tired of guzzling water between boozy bevs? Try Sprite. Studies have reportedlyshown that Sprite may increase the activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) in your body, which helps break down alcohol’s more toxic components (like acetaldehyde).
  3. Order some pub grub. Dr. Kinyua says that burgers, fries and carbs can slow alcohol’s absorption in your body, so treat yourself to some yummy bar food while you’re out.  Another benefit? Dr. Kinyua says, “It also provides the brain with glucose, which reduces dizziness and the intensity of the headache.”
  4. Try to avoid added sugar. Both excess sugar and alcohol can both exacerbate inflammation, so if you plan on imbibing, limit your super-sweet cocktails and opt instead for simpler well drinks. Dr. Bazilian advises that ingesting too much sugar “may aggravate a hangover headache and blood sugar levels later,” as well as make potential hangover symptoms last even longer—and the last thing you want when you have a hangover is to prolong your suffering!
  5. Resist going to the dark (liquor) side. Dr. Bradley Katz, MD, PhD., professor and physician at the University of Utah Medical Center and CEO of Axon Optics, says the color of your liquor can indicate its likelihood of giving you a hangover. Dark-colored alcohol (think whiskey, cognac, brandy, bourbon, and some tequilas) contains more ingredients called congeners. While congeners often make these drinks delicious, studies show that these chemicals are more likely to give you a hangover than clear liquors like vodka, gin or rum. (That said, obviously, drinking too much of any color booze will leave you regretting it in the morning.)
  6. Skip the shots (shots shots shots shots shots shots)! “Control what and how fast you drink,” Dr. Fisher recommends. “Favor larger volume drinks with lower alcohol contents.”

When you get home

  1. Have a high-electrolyte nightcap. Drinks like coconut water, Pedialyte and sports drinks like Gatorade are high in electrolytes, which experts say are key in hangover prevention. Chugging a bottle before bed can make you feel a lot better the next morning. One caveat: Cap your hydration at a glass or two, or else you’ll have to wake up to pee.
  2. Get a good night’s sleep. Few things are worse than a hangover combined with being exhausted. Plan your evening to give yourself enough time for a solid eight hours of sleep when you get home, whether it’s sleeping in the next morning or leaving the party early to make room for shut-eye that night.

The next morning

  1. Don’t skip the most important meal of the day: breakfast! Hunnes says that to prevent a hangover after a night of indulgence, having an “easily absorbable” breakfast can give you a big boost. She recommends fruit, oatmeal (quick-cooking types are fine), plus soy or oat milk. (A good idea: Start your overnight oats prep before heading out as a gift to your future self.)
  2. Avoid greasy spoons and fatty breakfasts. As tempting as the bacon and butter may be—and Lord, do we know how tempting they are!—resist. Hunnes says that while they’ll make you feel full, they’re also much more likely to make you feel queasy.
  3. Drink more electrolytes. Regardless of how much water, coconut water, Pedialyte or Gatorade you drank before bed, drink more the morning after a night of drinking to hedge your bets against a hangover.
  4. Have your usual cup of coffee. If you feel a headache coming on, go ahead and have your cup of joe, Dr. Bazilian notes. Just be careful: Caffeine can dehydrate you (which you’re already trying to fix!), so be sure you’re balancing your coffee out with water or electrolyte-heavy beverages.
  5. Sip some green tea. If you prefer to get your caffeine fix from a drink other than coffee, Dr. Bazilian recommends green tea for its caffeine, strong phytochemicals (like catechins) and water content.
  6. Try ginger chews to settle your stomach. If you’re feeling nauseous, ginger has been proven to help. Find some other nausea-busting foods here.
  7. Don’t have much of an appetite? Have a smoothie. Dr. Bazilian recommends a smoothie following a night of drinking. Be sure to add protein (milk—whether dairy or non-dairy versions—are great ways to get your dose). Get some great smoothie recipes here.
  8. If you have a headache, take ibuprofen. If, despite all of your best efforts, you still feel a headache coming on, don’t fret. Dr. Kinyua advises to pop ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) if you’re in pain, but avoid acetaminophen (commonly found in Tylenol). Next, check out these eight signs you may be drinking too much.


Dr. Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, MA, RDNDr. Joseph Fisher, MD, Ph.DDana Ellis Hunnes, RD, MPH, Ph.DDr. Bradley Katz, MD, Ph.DDr. Lizz Kinyua, MDDr. Arielle Levitan, MDCleveland Clinic How to Prevent a Hangover Plus Hangover Remedies - 93