As it turns out, extreme heat and humidity aren’t just dangerous for our physical health, but for our mental health as well.

The Connection Between Heat Waves and Mental Health

Research confirms the mental health effects of heat stress and how extreme temperatures can lead to an increase in anxiety and depressive symptoms. High temperatures have been associated with irritability and can make people feel more jittery, which can amplify anxiety, Dr. Meghan Marcum, Chief Psychologist at AMFM Healthcare, states. The exact reasons for these changes are not known but some people may be more vulnerable to mood changes, especially in places where it gets extremely hot like desert climates. Hot temperatures may contribute to the release of increased stress hormones like cortisol which can also exacerbate anxiety. Heat stress can also affect your ability to think clearly, which can cause frustration and in some cases, aggression. The reason cognitive tasks can be influenced by heat is due to the blood-brain barrier being compromised, Dr. Marcum explains. When this occurs, proteins and ions begin to accumulate which causes inflammation. This makes our thought processes slow down and we may become frustrated, which can lead to aggression. Spikes in temperatures and humidity have also been correlated with increased rates of suicide and substance use, so clearly, there is a reaction to heat that impacts our mental health, Dr. Marcum adds. Interestingly, in one study looking at bipolar patients, fluid imbalance (dehydration/not enough electrolytes) was associated with depressive and manic episodes. During a heatwave, sweating (evaporation of water from skin releasing your body heat into the air) is your body’s way of controlling temperature, Dr. Stephen Esper, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer of Buoy Hydration, states. But, in this process, people lose body water and salt, which can result in fluid and electrolyte imbalances, which can have a negative impact on brain function. If even mild dehydration occurs, without any treatment for the imbalances created by heat, people can start to have cognitive dysfunction and their mood may be significantly affected, exacerbating symptoms in patients who may have already been diagnosed with mental illness. Humidity prevents individuals from letting the sweat evaporate (because there is already a lot of water vapor in the air) and it’s double the trouble: you can’t cool down and you’re dehydrated, Dr. Esper explains. Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and overheating can affect mental illness.

How to Stay Mentally and Physically Healthy During Heatwaves

The best way to protect your health during heat waves is to be prepared. “Try to schedule appointments in the early morning whenever possible when the temperatures are cooler,” says Dr. Marcum. “Keep yourself hydrated and if necessary, take an umbrella or fan when you must go out and don’t forget to wear sunscreen. When you arrive home, it may be helpful to take a cool shower to help your body regulate back to a cooler internal temperature.” Along with proper hydration, take a break from the outdoors when needed and create a cool and comfortable indoor environment. Dr. Gail Saltz, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the NY Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine and host of the “How Can I Help?" podcast from iHeartRadio, says, “Have respite from the heat for time periods and make your sleeping environment as cool as possible to get good sleep. Go to cooling shelters during the day if you do not have any air conditioning.” If you take psychiatric medications, speak to your doctor about heat regulation and any red flags of overheating as well as self-care during heat waves. You may want to avoid alcohol, which is dehydrating, and avoid other substances that exacerbate low mood, high anxiety and increased irritability. If you find your mood is too low or irritability too high, discuss with a support system and consider seeking mental health care, Dr. Saltz adds. Next up: ‘Mental Health Gyms’ Are Trending—Here’s How They Can Help Boost Resilience and Help Us Better Handle Life’s Challenges


International Journal of Environmental Research: “Effect of Extreme Weather Events on Mental Health: A Narrative Synthesis and Meta-Analysis for the UK”Dr. Meghan Marcum, Chief Psychologist at AMFM HealthcareDr. Stephen Esper, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer of Buoy HydrationBipolar Disorders: “Association between bipolar episodes and fluid and electrolyte homeostasis: a retrospective longitudinal study”Dr. Gail Saltz, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the NY Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine and host of the “How Can I Help?" podcast from iHeartRadio