What Do the Five Love Languages Mean?
Chapman’s love languages are simple to understand as they represent ways that we all demonstrate and receive love—just some of us “speak” one love language stronger than others. The five Chapman identified include words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. Someone who thrives on physical touch will feel the most loved by being kissed and cuddled, while someone whose love language is words of affirmation craves praise and sweet nothings that will remind them of how much you care.
How To Use These Quality Time Examples
Quality time is the love language that can seem hardest to achieve in today’s hectic world. Time is one of the most precious commodities out there, and special time together can seem fleeting. With intent and a bit of effort, however, you can swoon your partner senseless with some simple quality time examples. These ideas need not cost a fortune (or anything at all, really), just the work to show that you want to spend your free time with them. With this list of exciting and unique ways to spend quality time, you’ll never run out of opportunities to shower your loved one with the gift of attention.
125 Quality Time Ideas
As you have seen here, speaking the love language of quality time can be spontaneous, exciting, and—most of all—incredibly romantic. You need not break the bank to shower your loved one with special time spent together. The most important thing is that you dedicate the precious commodity that is your time to being together, as a way of showing them that they are number one on your “to-do” list. Next up, read 100 Love Poems that Will Make Your Lover Swoon!